Astazi am sa va povestesc despre rimelul The One - Volume blast mascara.
Today i am going to review The One - Volume blast mascara from Oriflame.
Today i am going to review The One - Volume blast mascara from Oriflame.
Descrierea oficiala:
"24X mai mult volum al genelor.
Formula intensa si cremoasa in combinatie cu SISTEMUL BOLD BOOST WAX ofera ultra volum.
Ficare geana conteaza: periuta care ajunge la fiecare geana, pentru super separare si volum bombastic.
Official description:
"24X volume.
Rich creamy formulation and BOLD BOOST WAX SYSTEM deliver ultra volume sll the time.
Every lash counts : Lash grabbing brush catches every lash for super separation and bombastic volume."
Official description:
"24X volume.
Rich creamy formulation and BOLD BOOST WAX SYSTEM deliver ultra volume sll the time.
Every lash counts : Lash grabbing brush catches every lash for super separation and bombastic volume."
- Cel mai important lucru pentru mine atunci cand vreau sa imi cumpar un nou rimel este ca acesta sa confere genelor mele volum si fara sa le incarce prea mult.
- Genele mele sunt lungi si rare iar volumul este ceea ce trebuie sa imi ofere mascara.
- Rimelul The One -Volume blast are o perie lunga cu perii mici.
- Perii sunt din plastic
- Este foarte usor sa lucrez cu aceasta mascara, putem ajunge si la cele mai mici gene datorita periei .
- Desi am ochii destul de sensibili, nu au lacrimat niciodata din cauza acestei formule
- Daca aplicam doua straturi genele au volum si nici nu sunt incarcate.
- Exista si un lucru care nu imi place la aceasta mascara, dupa cateva ore (4-5) incepe sa "cada" de pe gene
- The most important thing , when I'm buying a mascara is, that it gaves my lashes a volume.
- I have long, but rare lashes so the volume what i look in a mascara
- The One mascara has a long brush with small bristles
- Has plastic bristles
- It's easy to work with this brush, It reaches even the tinyest eyelashes
- Altrought i have sensibile eyes this formula was super gentle
- With 2 coats it gaves my lashes volume and doesn't stick them together
- But there is some thing that really bothers me - after some time it starts to "fall out"
De la mine primeste nota 8.5 . Imi place efectul pe care il are asupra genelor mele, asadar il voi folosi in continuare. Produsul costa 17.99 lei si are un gramaj de 10 ml.
I give this mascara 8.5 out of 10.
I like this mascara, because it makes my lashes look pretty and I will probably repurchase it again.
I give this mascara 8.5 out of 10.
I like this mascara, because it makes my lashes look pretty and I will probably repurchase it again.
Voi ati folosit acest rimel? Ce parere aveti despre The One - Volume blast mascara ?
What is your oppinion about The One - Volume blast mascara ?
What is your oppinion about The One - Volume blast mascara ?
O zi super sa aveti!
3 Comentarios
Although I don't understand what you wrote there, but the photo says it all. I love the result of this mascara!
ResponderEliminar:D it is an amazing mascara.. i made now the review in english also. Thanks!
EliminarThank you for adding the English! :D I haven't used Oriflame for a long time. I think it's time to find a representative in my area :D