Here are today nails:
Unghiutele de astazi:
Produse folosite:
-Base coat / lac de baza
-Astor no 325
-Farmasi no31
-Acrilic paint / culori acrilice
-Matte top coat
1.Aplicam lacul de baza
1.Apply the base coat
2.Pe inelar aplicam doua straturi de oja galben
2.Paint the ring finger using two coats of yellow nail polish
3.Pe restul unghiutelor aplicam doua straturi de oja mint
3.On the rest of the nails apply two coats of mint nail polish
4.Cu acril facem desenul
4.Make the design using acrilic paint
4.Top coat mat si gata
4.Matte top coat si gata
Va multumesc pentru vizita! O zi superba sa aveti!
Thanks for visiting! Have a gorgeous day!
Thanks for visiting! Have a gorgeous day!