Yesterday nails: V from Vendetta
Produse folosite:
-Base coat / lac de baza
-Flormar 313
- Essence white hype
-Acrilic paint
-Matte top coat
Pasii urmati:
1.Aplicam lacul de baza
1.Apply the base coat
2.Aplicam doua straturi de oja alba si doua de oja neagra , pe inelar aplicam un top matt peste care desenam
2.Apply two coats of black nail polish and two of white polish, on the ring finger apply a
matte top and draw
4.Top coat mat si gata!
4.Matte Top coat and done!
Check out other letter v designs:
- MÄdÄlina - http://
misshappyandhernails.blogspot.r o/ - Oana - http://unghiutele.blogspot.ro/
- Madalina - http://
frumusetelapretmic.blogspot.ro/ - Ella - http://
beauty-corner-for-women.blogspo t.ro - Andreea - www.dittanail.blogspot.ro
- Andrea - http://
andicolouryourlife.blogspot.ro/ - Andra- http://andrakat.wordpress.com
- Rita - http://
addictedofbutterflies.wordpress .com/ - Oana - http://
wanna-nails.blogspot.com/ - Teo- http://
taitzel-make-up.blogspot.ro/ - Deyutza - http://deyutza87.blogspot.ro
Thanks for your visit!
Multumesc pentru vizita!