Pe piata exista o multime de tratamente pentru tenul acneic, insa multe dintre acestea tind sa fie agresive si pot irita porii Či pielea. Astazi am sa va prezint cateva produse din categoria "blanda" pe care le folosesc pentru a controla tendinta acneica a tenului meu: Kit-ul Clean&Clear advantage si Clean&Clear blackhead clearing.
There are a lot a lot of skin treatments for acne on the market,but many of them tend to be aggressive and can irritate the pores and skin. Today I will present a 'gentle' treatment that I use to control my acne prone skin: Clean & Clear Kit and Clean & Clear Advantage blackhead clearing.
Pe piata exista o multime de tratamente pentru tenul acneic, insa multe dintre acestea tind sa fie agresive si pot irita porii Či pielea. Astazi am sa va prezint cateva produse din categoria "blanda" pe care le folosesc pentru a controla tendinta acneica a tenului meu: Kit-ul Clean&Clear advantage si Clean&Clear blackhead clearing.
There are a lot a lot of skin treatments for acne on the market,but many of them tend to be aggressive and can irritate the pores and skin. Today I will present a 'gentle' treatment that I use to control my acne prone skin: Clean & Clear Kit and Clean & Clear Advantage blackhead clearing.
Kit-ul are 3 produse :
Cleaner pentru fata - Este un gel delicat pentru curatarea tenului care nu doar indeparteaza murdaria,
sebumul si impuritatile, dar si confera tenului o senzatie de prospetime si o usoara matifiere. Singurul minus este componenta mentolata care imi face uneori ochii sa lacrimeze chiar daca evit zona lor.Pentru a fi folosit zilnic.
Tratament rapid pentru cosuri -Acest produs este "the best" , este un gel invizibil care se aplica direct pe zona afectata de cosuri. Se aplica seara, si pana dimineata inflamatia se amelioreaza sau chiar dispare.
Crema hidratanta pentru fata - Hidrateaza zonele uscate, regleaza niveluil sebumului, calmeaza si ofera o senzatie usoara de racorire.
Al 4-lea produs folosit este un tonic ce curata impuritatile si minimizeaza formarea punctelor negre.
The kit has three items: Face Cleanser -It is a gentle cleansing gel that not only removes dirt, sebum and impurities, but also gives the skin a feeling of freshness and a slight mattifying effect. The only minus is that makes my eyes water sometimes because it has a menthol in its formula.
Fast Clearing Spot Treatment -This product is "the best".It is an invisible gel that is applied directly to the affected area (on pimples) . Apply in the evening, and by morning inflammation improve or even disappear.
Face Moisturizer - Moisturize dry areas, regulates sebum, soothes and provides a mild cooling sensation.
4th product that i use is a tonic that cleans impurities and minimizes the formation of blackheads.
The kit has three items: Face Cleanser -It is a gentle cleansing gel that not only removes dirt, sebum and impurities, but also gives the skin a feeling of freshness and a slight mattifying effect. The only minus is that makes my eyes water sometimes because it has a menthol in its formula.
Fast Clearing Spot Treatment -This product is "the best".It is an invisible gel that is applied directly to the affected area (on pimples) . Apply in the evening, and by morning inflammation improve or even disappear.
Face Moisturizer - Moisturize dry areas, regulates sebum, soothes and provides a mild cooling sensation.
4th product that i use is a tonic that cleans impurities and minimizes the formation of blackheads.
Am folosit acest sistem zi de zi timp de sase luni. Rezultatele au aparut in aproximativ o sÄptÄmĆ¢nÄ de la prima folosire.Sunt foarte multumita de aceste produse* si o sa continui sa le folosesc si poate...intr-un final...am sa scap de nebunia asta de acnee :D .
I've been using this product for about six months now, and my skin has less pimples than before. Still, my skin, of course, is not perfect, and I continue to experience breakouts but not so often.
Vhat is your no acnee solution?
Voi ce solutie aveti pentru a tine in frau acneea?
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Thanks for visiting my blog!
Multumesc pentru vizita!
*produsele sunt folosite pe ten gras
*this products are used on oily skin
*this products are used on oily skin