De ceva timp sunt un mare fan al apei micelare ( apa micelara ofera o alternativa la demachiantul clasic, "micelele" fiind particule de ulei suspendate in apa). Am incercat o multime de branduri ( Bioderma, Nivea, Garnier) si ma declar super multumita de fiecare in parte. Acum doua saptamani am gasit la pret redus lotiunea micelara Avene, m-am decis sa ii acord o sansa si nu imi pare rau ca am facut-o.
For some time I 'm a big fan of micellar water ( micellar water cleanser provides an alternative to the classic make-up removers , " micelles " are oil particles suspended in water) . Two weeks ago I found Avene Micellar Lotion at a low price and decided to give it a chance and I'm not sorry that I did.
-Este o foarte buna solutie pentru demachiere, dar nu o recomand pentru zonele sensibile cum sunt ochii ( curata bine, insa mi-am pierdut cateva gene in timpul procesului ) si buzele ( ramane un gust ciudat si oarecum amar)
-Daca o folosesti inainte de machiaj o poti folosii pe toata fata, nu sensibilizeaza ochii si nici nu produce iritatii
-lasa tenul curat, fin si hidratat ( si un pic lipicios )
-nu mi-au aparut cosuri ( desi tenul meu semi-gras este faimos pentru asta)
-It Is a very good solution as a make-up remover, but not recommended for sensitive areas such as eyes (cleans well, but I lost some eyelashes during the process) and lips (remains a strange and bitter taste)
-You can use it all over the face even in the eye area if the face is make-up free
-Lets skin clean, soft and hydrated (and a bit sticky)
• Doesnt cause break-outs (though my oily skin is verry famous for break-outs)
-It Is a very good solution as a make-up remover, but not recommended for sensitive areas such as eyes (cleans well, but I lost some eyelashes during the process) and lips (remains a strange and bitter taste)
-You can use it all over the face even in the eye area if the face is make-up free
-Lets skin clean, soft and hydrated (and a bit sticky)
• Doesnt cause break-outs (though my oily skin is verry famous for break-outs)
Cum o folosesc:
-Pun lotiune micelara pe o cottoneta
-Sterg reziduurile de pe ten
-Continui pana cand cotoneta ramane curata
Sunt foarte multumita de acest produs si in cazul in care nu imi gasesc preferata Bioderma :D e o alternativa minunata.
Voi folositi solutie micelara? Ce brand preferati?
Va multumesc pentru vizita!