Incepand de ieri impreuna cu fetele polish addicted am dat startului unui maraton de nail art. Prima tema pe ordinea de zi a fost propusa de Andra Kat : oja favorita. Tare greu mi-a fost sa aleg o oja ... dar, pentru ca trebuia, am ales-o si ea se numeste Golden Rose rich color no 67. Imi place foarte mult culoarea, felul in care se aplica si gradul de opacitate. Aceasta este manichiura mea (a fost facuta in conditii de febra asa ca va rog sa imi iertati stangaciile):
Since this Saturday the polish addicted girls and I started a nail art marathon. The first topic on the agenda was suggested by Andra Kat: favorite nail polish. It was very hard to choose one nail polish ... but, because I had to chose...my favourite is Golden Rose rich color no 67. I really like the color, the way it applies and the opacity. This is my manicure (It was made in fever conditions so please forgive my clumsiness):
Produse folosite:
-Base coat / lac de baza
-Golden Rose rich color no 67
-Flormar no
-acrylic paint / culori acrilice
-Top coat & top coat matt
Puteti vedea postarile fetelor aici:
U can see other fav nail polishes here:
- Andra Kat - http://andrakat.wordpress.com
- Oana - www.unghiutele.blogspot.ro
- Andreea M - www.dittanail.blogspot.ro
- Iulia Maria - http://
iuliafairynails.blogspot.be - Madalina - http://
frumusetelapretmic.blogspot.ro - Alina - www.venuschic.com
- Deyutza - http://deyutza87.blogspot.ro
- Alina Vrinceanu - http://www.justanangel.net
- Mihaela - http://elasdreams.blogspot.ro
- MÄdÄlina - http://
misshappyandhernails.blogspot.r o - Andra Pink Bijoux - http://
withlovebijoux.blogspot.ro - Vanyna - http://
gothangelworld.blogspot.ro - Iulia B. - http://
iuliabeldean.blogspot.ro - Teo - www.taitzel.com
- Andra (Sophie) - http://
sophiesnailartdreamland.blogspo t.ro - Rita - https://
addictedofbutterflies.wordpress .com/ - Kinga - http://www.kinganak.com/
- Mada - http://
universeofm.blogspot.ro/ - Claudia - http://
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Thanks for your visit!