Astazi am avut cateva clipe de rasfat si reusit sa imi fac o manichiura noua, ce fericire :D !!! 'Reteta' este urmatoarea: am folosit ca baza o frumoasa oja galbena din paleta Golden Rose Color Expert, nuanta nr 44, am aplicat pe doua dintre unghii water decals cu flori colorate (stikere) de la Bornprettystore si am sigilat cu top coat transparent. Simplu, nu?
Today I had a few moments of pampering and I managed to make a new manicure, happy happy joy joy :D !!! The 'recipe' for today's nails is: I used as base a beautiful yellow nail polish from Golden Rose Color Expert palette, shade No. 44, I applied on two of the nails colorful flowers water decals (stickers) from Bornprettystore and finaly I sealed them with transparent top coat. Simple, right?
Daca vreti sa recreati manichiura si aveti nevoie instructiuni pentru aplicarea unui water decal, le aveti in fotografia aceasta :
If you want to recreate this manicure and you need instructions to apply a water decal , you have them in this photo :
If you like Bornprettystore products and want to make an order, you can use the discount code DTX31 for 10% off.
Va multumesc pentru vizita!
Thank you for your visit!