Unghii cu gel? Mai gandeste-te o data! De curand au aparut pe piata ojele Golden Rose Prodigy Gel Duo si cu ajutorul lor putem realiza manichiuri cu finish ca de gel.
Acestea se cumpara la set, lac pentru unghii colorat si gel lac intaritor, si se gasesc in 23 de nuante minunate.
Pentru manichiura de astazi am folosit nuanta 3, o oja nude foarte eleganta. Se aplica foarte usor iar dupa doua straturi este suficient de opaca.
Oja Prodigy Gel are un luciu deosebit dar 'wow-ul' vine abia dupa ce aplicam top coat-ul, unghiile mele nu au aratat nicicand atat de minunat, luciul lor este sublim... exact ca in cazul unei manichiuri cu gel!
Gradul de rezistenta estimat este de pana la 7 zile iar oja se poate indeparta cu dizolvant obisnuit.
Gel nails? Think about it once again! With Golden Rose Prodigy Gel Duo, we can achieve a gel look manicure in only two steps.
They buy as a set, colored nail polish and hardener gel, and are available in 23 colors, all very beautiful.
For today's manicure I used shade 3, a nude nail polish that I absolutely love. It is very easy to apply and after two layers is sufficiently opaque. The nail polish applied as it is has a high gloss but the 'wow' effect comes only after you apply the top coat, my nails looked amazing, their luster is sublime ... just like in the case of a gel manicure!
The nail polish stays on up to 7 days and it can be removed with using regular nail polish remover.
They buy as a set, colored nail polish and hardener gel, and are available in 23 colors, all very beautiful.
For today's manicure I used shade 3, a nude nail polish that I absolutely love. It is very easy to apply and after two layers is sufficiently opaque. The nail polish applied as it is has a high gloss but the 'wow' effect comes only after you apply the top coat, my nails looked amazing, their luster is sublime ... just like in the case of a gel manicure!
The nail polish stays on up to 7 days and it can be removed with using regular nail polish remover.
Descrierea oficiala : 'Lac de unghii cu aspect de gel PRODIGY. Setul contine 2 produse. Lacul
de unghii colorat PRODIGY GEL COLOR creaza aspectul de "unghii cu gel"
si confera o stralucire perfecta. Rezista pana la 7 zile si se usuca la
lumina naturala, fara a folosi o lampa UV. Se aplica si se indeparteaza
usor, cu un dizolvant de unghii normal. Lacul protector PRODIGY GEL TOP
COAT sigileaza si in acelasi timp confera luciu si rezistenta. Mod de
aplicare: 1.Aplicati 2 straturi de PRODIGY GEL COLOR si lasati sa se
usuce timp de 2 minute. 2.Aplicati un strat de PRODIGY GEL TOP COAT si
lasati sa se usuce in lumina naturala.'
Il recomand cu cea mai mare incredere, eu cu siguranta am sa imi mai cumpar cateva. Pretul setului este de 35 lei si se gaseste online pe Cosmania.ro sau la insulitele Golden Rose din hipermarketuri.