Continuam astazi seria manichiurilor de iarna cu un model atipic. De ce spun
atipic? Pentru ca am folosit, pe langa o oja argintie nisipoasa (perfecta pentru acest sezon) si doua culori pastelate(una albastra si una roz, folosite in general pentru manichiuri de primavara-vara).
Am folosit ca baza pentru unghii lacul Golden Rose smoothing base, doua oje pastel si o oja nisipoasa Golden Rose holiday 54. Pe unghia accent am desenat un brad cu ajutorul unei pensule de nail art, culorilor acrilice si ojei argitii. Am sigilat totul cu top coat cu uscare rapida tot de la Golden Rose si gata! Va invit sa vedeti un model de manichiura vesel si numai bun de purtat in ziua de Craciun.
We continue today the winter manicure series with a new nail art design with with an atypical design. Why atypical you ask? Because I used, besides a sandy silver nail polish (perfect for the winter season) two pastel colors (generally used for spring-summer manicures).
First I used Golden Rose nail smoothing base, two pastel nail polishes ( one blue and one pink) and a sandy silvery nail polish from Golden Rose holiday series, number 54 . I drew a Christmas tree with a nail art brushe, acrylics and the silvery nail polish. I sealed it with Golden Rose quick-drying top coat and that's all! I invite you to see a cheerful manicure, perfect to wear on the Christmas Day.
First I used Golden Rose nail smoothing base, two pastel nail polishes ( one blue and one pink) and a sandy silvery nail polish from Golden Rose holiday series, number 54 . I drew a Christmas tree with a nail art brushe, acrylics and the silvery nail polish. I sealed it with Golden Rose quick-drying top coat and that's all! I invite you to see a cheerful manicure, perfect to wear on the Christmas Day.