In Ianuarie revenim cu o noua colaborare de nail art, fetele nail art addict s-au sfatuit si au dat nastere unor noi teme pentru manichiuri, una mai frumasa ca alta. Astazi dam startul primei teme : model de unghii cu doua oje 2016 Pantone Colors Rose Quartz-Serenity. Dar ce sa timp ce ma pregateam sa imi fac un model traznet pe unghii, am lovit cu mana in masa si trei unghii mandre au pocnit simultan...a fost de vis...Asa ca a fost necesar sa ma reorientez si am pregatit un model de manichiura simplu, realizat pe unghiile de la mana stanga care au o dimensiune decenta. Cum am realizat-o? Foarte usor :))) Am folosit lacul de baza Eveline 8 in 1, doua oje mai vechi de la Pastel (un roz pal si un bleu la fel de pal) si un model de pe placuta Bornpretty BP-L005. Am sigilat tot cu top coat mat Flormar si gata!
In January we are back with a new nail art collaboration, the nail art addict girls counseled and gave rise to new and lovely manicure ideas. Today we start the day with the first theme: 2016 Pantone Colors Serenity Rose Quartz nail art. But while I was preparing my nails for a gorgeous nail art design, I hit my hand in the table and three nails have punched simultaneously... it was a nightmare... So, it was necessary to reconsider my ideea and I've prepared a simple manicu on my left hand. How I did it? Very easy :))) I used Eveline 8 in 1 base, second I used two pastel nail polishes (a pale pink and a pale blue) and nice design from Bornpretty BP-L005 stamping plate. I sealed everything with matte top coat and that's it!
Va invit sa vedeti alte modele de unghii Pantone 2016 aici: