Today nails: blue watermarble
Produse folosite:
Used products:
-Base coat / lac de baza
-Flormar 450
-Farmasi 129
-Flormar 313
-Water / apa
-top coat
Pasii urmati:
1.Aplicam lacul de baza
1.Apply the base coat
2.Pe degetul inelar si pe cel mare aplicam oja galbena ca baza si facem un marble din oja albastra si neagra
2.On the first anf ring finger apply yellow nail polish as base and make a watermarble using blue and black
3.Pe restul unghiutelor aplicam oja albastra in doua straturi
3.On the rest of the nails apply two coats of blue nail polish
4.Top coat si gata!
4.Top coat and done!
Va multumesc pentru vizita! O zi superba sa aveti!
Thanks for visiting! Have a gorgeous day!
Thanks for visiting! Have a gorgeous day!