Today nails: dirty leopard print nails
Produse folosite:
Used products:
-Base coat / lac de baza
-Orkide Venus no
-Beauty Uk
-Acrilic paint
-Matte top coat
-Top coat
1.Aplicam lacul de baza
1.Apply the base coat
2.Pe prima si ultima ungiuta aplicam doua straturi de oja aurie si un strat de top coat mat
2.On the first and the last nail apply two coats of gold nail polish and one coat of matte top
3.Pe aratator aplicam doua straturi de oja neagra
3.On the index finger apply two coats of black nail polish
4.Pe restul ungiutelor aplicam doua straturi de oja orange, facem pete cu oja aurie si le incadram haotic cu acril negru
4.On the rest of the nails apply two coats of orange nail polish, make the print using gold polish and acrilic paint
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Thanks for visiting! Have a gorgeous day!