Cand imi imaginez un apus (sunset) imi vin in minte nuante de orange, rosu, auriu sau nuante de albastru si o plaja calduroasa plina de palmieri :D.
Ei bine astazi nu vorbesc despre vacanta, ci despre culorile cu care puteti realiza un machiaj de vara, culori din paleta Sleek I-Divine Sunset.
Aceasta contine 12 culori calde, doua mate si restul sidefate.
When I imagine a sunset, I see colours like orang, red, gold or blue and a beach full of palm trees. No, I'm not talking about hollydays, I am talking about Sleek IDivine Sunset eyeshadow palette.
This has 12 warm shades, two are matte and the rest are pearled (mettalic).
Aceasta contine 12 culori calde, doua mate si restul sidefate.
When I imagine a sunset, I see colours like orang, red, gold or blue and a beach full of palm trees. No, I'm not talking about hollydays, I am talking about Sleek IDivine Sunset eyeshadow palette.
This has 12 warm shades, two are matte and the rest are pearled (mettalic).
Majoritatea fardurilor sunt extrem de pigmentate si cremoase dar am observat ca nuantele rozalii de pe randul de jos se aplica o idee mai greu, fiind un pic prafoase. Se amesteca foarte usor si sunt foarte rezistente. Daca folosesc o baza pentru machiajul ochilor culorile se intensifica si mai mult si gradul de rezistenta creste considerabil.
Most of the colors are highly pigmented and creamy, but I noticed that the pink shades from the bottom row are a little bit harder to work with . They blend verry easy and last longer if you use an eyeshadow base before applying them.
Most of the colors are highly pigmented and creamy, but I noticed that the pink shades from the bottom row are a little bit harder to work with . They blend verry easy and last longer if you use an eyeshadow base before applying them.
Aici aveti swatch :
Acest paleta de machiaj este perfecta pentru persoanele cu ochi albastri si verzi , dar arata foarte bine si pe ochi caprui (mai ales nuantele rosiatice). Nuanta mea preferata este prima din radul doi, un burgundy inchis foarte iubibil :D.
O gasiti la Make-up Shop si costa 47 lei.
Voua va plac culorile sleek sunset?