Iubesc produsele L'Occitane! Am intrat prima oara in contact cu ele anul trecut cand mi-a fost facut cadou uleiul de baie hidratant cu migdale si m-am indragostit iremediabil. Cu timpul am mai testat si alte produse si mi-am adaugat cateva din ele la colectia favorite.
I love L'Occitane cosmetics! I have found out about them last year when I recived as gift the almond shower oil and ince then I have fallen in love with this brand. With time I have tested other products and I added a few of them to favorite collection.
Iata care sunt acestea:
Here they are:
Here they are:
Uleiul de baie hidratant cu extract de migdale:
Almond shower gel
Almond shower gel
Il ador!!Acest ulei curata, hraneste si face pielea extrem de matasoasa. Textura este uleioasa si se aplica foarte usor pe piele si dupa ce adaugam apa, acesta se transforma intr-un lapte spumant care hidrateaza si curata pielea. Mie imi place sa il folosesc si pe post de spuma inainte de epilare, face ca lama sa alunece usor si scap de iritatia de dupa. Mirosul este minunat, este subtil si contine note de vanilie si migdal. Pretul pentru 75 ml este 35 Ron si va spun din inima ca isi merita banii.
I love it!!!This oil cleans, nourishes and makes the skin extremely silky. The texture is oily and very easy to apply and after you add water, it turns into a foaming milk which moisturizes and cleanses the skin. I like to use it before shaving because it makes the blade glide on easily. The smell is wonderful , it is subtle and has notes of vanilla and almonds.
I love it!!!This oil cleans, nourishes and makes the skin extremely silky. The texture is oily and very easy to apply and after you add water, it turns into a foaming milk which moisturizes and cleanses the skin. I like to use it before shaving because it makes the blade glide on easily. The smell is wonderful , it is subtle and has notes of vanilla and almonds.
Parfum Verveine:
Verbena Eau de Toilette
Verbena Eau de Toilette
Este un parfum perfect pentru vara. Atunci cand este cald prefer sa folosesc un parfum proaspat, racoritor si acesta este unul dintre cele pe care le-as folosi zilnic. Are un miros revigorant de citrice amestecat cu frunze proaspat taiate si fructe zemoase. Acest parfum rezista intreaga zi pe piele. Daca vreau mai multa revigorare, seara il pun in frigider si dimineata e o adevarata placere sa il aplic, sunt fresh intr-o clipita! Daca treceti printr-un magazin L'Occitane va recomand sa il cautati si sa il testati, cu siguranta o sa va incante simturile! Produsul full size are 50/100 ml si costa 150/225 Ron.
It is a perfect scent for summer. When is realy hot outside I prefer a fresh and refreshing scent, this is one of those that you would use every day. It has a refreshing citrus scent mixed with chopped fresh leaves and juicy fruits. This fragrance withstand all day on the skin. If you want more freshness, put it in the refrigerator evening and in the morning will be a pleasure to apply, fresh in no time! If definitely is a delight to the senses!
It is a perfect scent for summer. When is realy hot outside I prefer a fresh and refreshing scent, this is one of those that you would use every day. It has a refreshing citrus scent mixed with chopped fresh leaves and juicy fruits. This fragrance withstand all day on the skin. If you want more freshness, put it in the refrigerator evening and in the morning will be a pleasure to apply, fresh in no time! If definitely is a delight to the senses!
Crema de maini racoritoare cu Verbina:
Este o
crema-gel minunata pentru perioada de vara, atunci cand palmele
transpira excesiv. Imi place foarte mult senzatia pe care o ofera dupa
aplicare. Hidrateaza, racoreste si lasa o pelicula mata, ca de pudra
(absoarbe foarte eficient transpiratia in exces). Contine extracte de
verbina organica si pudra de tapioca si are un parfum delicat, destul de
persistent. Produsul full size are 75ml si costa 69 Ron.
It is a lovely cream-gel, perfect for the summer, when the palms and hands are sweating excessive. I love the feeling it provides after application. It moisturizes, cools and leaves a matte powdery film (very efficiently absorbs excessive sweating). It contains organic verbena extract and tapioca powder and has a delicate fragrance, pretty persistent.
It is a lovely cream-gel, perfect for the summer, when the palms and hands are sweating excessive. I love the feeling it provides after application. It moisturizes, cools and leaves a matte powdery film (very efficiently absorbs excessive sweating). It contains organic verbena extract and tapioca powder and has a delicate fragrance, pretty persistent.
Crema de maini cu unt de shea 20%:
Shea butter hand cream
Cred ca am folosit vreo 20 de miniaturi pana acum (sa fie cazul sa imi iau una full size? :D ). Imi place pentru ca hidrateaza si parfumeaza placut mainile. Are consistenta destul de groasa, se absoarbe super rapid, nu irita, iar daca imi spal mainile acestea raman tot hidratate. Este super economica, o miniatura (10ml) imi ajunge cam 3 saptamani in conditiile in care o folosesc zilnic.
This is amazing for dry skin. Has a nice subtle smell and moisturizez pretty good. It has a non-greasy texture that works nice on my hands. I am on my 20 th tube and I absolutely will buy it again. 10 ml of product is enough for almost a month of use.
1 Crema pentru picioare 2 Crema de maini cu unt de shea 3. Gel-crema de maini cu verbina
Crema pentru picioare cu unt de shea 15%:
Shea butter foot cream
Hidrateaza, se absoarbe rapid, nu este lipicioasa si parfumeaza delicat. Mirosul de lavanda este super relaxant, daca vrei un fel de spa pentru talpi...trebuie sa il ai :D ! Produsul full size il gasiti la 30/150 ml pret 33/95 Ron
Moisturizes, absorbs quickly, is not sticky and delicate perfume. The scent of lavender is super relaxing, if you want a ... foot spa this is a must-have: D!
obicei folosesc miniaturi cumparate la reducere, dar va spun drept ca
sunt atat de spornice incat cu greu as trece la cele full size. Puteti profita si voi de reduceri, daca vreti sa le incercati puteti sa le gasiti la un pret rezonabil in aceasta perioada .
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