Astazi am sa va arat o manichiura mai veche, are aproape o luna de zile si am gasit-o intr-un folder singura si trista. Ca sa ii alin durerea m-am gandit sa v-o prezint, in toata splendoarea ei. Ca sa o realizez am aplicat un tapet alb, cu ajutorul ojei Flormar nr 400 , in doua straturi. Apoi pentru infrumusetare am aplicat stikere (water decals) de la Bornprettystore si am desenat cu pensula evantai un model (alandala) zig zag folosindu-ma de acrilice.
Today I will show an older manicure, it has about a month and I found it in a folder alone and sad. To end her sadnes I thought it will be a good ideea to show it on today's blog post. To create it I applied a white wallpaper with the help of Flormar nail polish No 400, in two layers. Then I applied beauty stickers (water decals) from Bornprettystore and with thr fan brush, and I drew a Zig zag pattern (did I?) using my acrylic paints.
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U can find this amazing accesories at Bornprettystore. Using the code DTX31 you have 10% off your entire order.
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