Astazi am facut o noua manichiura cu oja alba si neagra si ... bonus desen free hand.
Am folosit pentru baza unghiilor tratamentul Eveline 8 in 1, care este genial, apoi am acoperit unghiile cu oja alba si neagra ( in doua straturi) . Pe inelar l-am desenat pe ursuletul Po din Kung Fu Panda... nu stiu acum daca seamana dar, asa am vrut eu sa arate :D iar pe unghia mijlocie am lipit stikere pentru unghii. La final am aplicat gel top coat de la Farmec.
Today I made a new manicure and my partner were, again, two nail polishes from the new Flormar full color collection .
I used the Eveline 8 in 1 nail treatment, which is brilliant, and applied two layers of nail polish ( black and white). On the ring finger I drew on the bear Po from Kung Fu Panda (but I dont know if it looks similar to the cartoon but I tried to make him look alike) : D and on the midle one i glued a water decal. Finally I applied gel top coat to complete and seal the nail art design.
I used the Eveline 8 in 1 nail treatment, which is brilliant, and applied two layers of nail polish ( black and white). On the ring finger I drew on the bear Po from Kung Fu Panda (but I dont know if it looks similar to the cartoon but I tried to make him look alike) : D and on the midle one i glued a water decal. Finally I applied gel top coat to complete and seal the nail art design.
*puteti vede mai mult modele de manichiura aici <3