Hello pretty girls! Astazi am sa va arat o noua rochie pe care am primit-o in urma unei colaborari cu Choies. Este o rochie maxi cu imprimeu de leopard si este perfecta pentru zilele racoroase de toamna, primavara sau vara (doar sa nu fie preeeaa racoroase).
Pentru ca este o piesa atat de versatila, rochia maxi poate fi purtata in diferite combinatii si poate fi foarte usor transformata dintr-o tinuta de zi in una de seara.
Pentru ca este o piesa atat de versatila, rochia maxi poate fi purtata in diferite combinatii si poate fi foarte usor transformata dintr-o tinuta de zi in una de seara.
Eu am ales sa port rochia fara nici un accesoriu dar, cred ca ar fi aratat mult mai bine cu o curea masiva pusa pe talie.
Hello pretty girls! Today I will show a new dress that I received after a collaboration with Choies. It is a maxi dress with leopard print and is the perfect piece of clothing for chilly days of fall, spring or summer (not to cool although).
Because it is so versatile the maxi dress can be worn in different combinations and can easily be transformed from a day outfit in a night one.
I have chosed to wear this dress without any accessories but I think a massive belt on the waist would make it look more dazzaling.
Because it is so versatile the maxi dress can be worn in different combinations and can easily be transformed from a day outfit in a night one.
I have chosed to wear this dress without any accessories but I think a massive belt on the waist would make it look more dazzaling.
Rochia o gasiti in magazinul online Choies .