Acum cateva luni ma aflam in Marionnaud in cautarea unei palete de machiaj draguta, si in timp ce ma uitam eu dupa farduri pentru ochi mi-a sarit in ochi (apoi in mana) un blush interesant de la Barry M. Stiti cum e treaba...una zici si alta faci, in loc de paleta de machiaj m-am pricopsit cu un fard de obraz.
A few months ago I was visiting Marionnaud store in search of a pretty makeup palette, and while I was looking for eye makeup, a Barry M blush jumped in my eyes (or into my hand). So,instead of a make-up palette I got stuck with a blush.
M-a incantat foarte mult culoarea, un orange cu usoara tenta rosiatica, o nuanta foarte frumoasa care se potriveste orcarui tip de piele. In plus era pentru prima data cand cumparam un produs Barry M, si al meu a fost. Un chilipir la doar 28 de lei.
I was delighted by the color, an orange blush with a slight reddish tint. This is a shade that matches all skin shades. In addition it was the first time I bought Barry M cosmetics, so I was curious about it. A bargain at only 28 lei.
I was delighted by the color, an orange blush with a slight reddish tint. This is a shade that matches all skin shades. In addition it was the first time I bought Barry M cosmetics, so I was curious about it. A bargain at only 28 lei.
Daca e sa vorbim despre ambalaj, este foarte simplu: o carcasa neagra cu capac transparent (cu vedere la coloritul maiestuos al blush-ului) . In cutia fardului de obraz am gasit si o pensula pentru aplicare dar eu nu v-o recomand pentru ca este prea mica si prea subtire. Cel mai bine e sa folositi o pensula dedicata pentru blush.
If we talk about the packaging it is very simple: a black casing with transparent lid (overlooking at the majestic color of blush). In the box I found also a brush but I can not recommend it because it is too small and too thin. For the best results it's best to use a dedicated brush.
If we talk about the packaging it is very simple: a black casing with transparent lid (overlooking at the majestic color of blush). In the box I found also a brush but I can not recommend it because it is too small and too thin. For the best results it's best to use a dedicated brush.
Ca textura, blushul este usor prafos dar destul de 'moale' si usor de uniformizat pe ten. Finish-ul este destul de subtil asa ca daca vreti sa fie putin mai evident va recomand sa insistati cu inca un strat, dar nu mai mult.
Daca ar fi sa il compar cu un alt fard de obraz as putea spune ca e usor similar cu blush-ul mozaic Nyx, cel in cutie rotunda. Aceiasi textura si acelasi grad de pigmentare.
In fotografia de jos am aplicat doua straturi de blush Peaches and Cream.
This blush has a slightly dusty texture but rather 'soft' and it blends easy on the skin. The finish is quite subtle so, if you want it to be a little more obvious, add another layer.
If I had to compare it with another blush I would say it's slightly similar to Nyx mosaic blush, the one with the round box. The same texture and the same degree of pigmentation.
In the photo below I applied two coats of Peaches and Cream blush.
This blush has a slightly dusty texture but rather 'soft' and it blends easy on the skin. The finish is quite subtle so, if you want it to be a little more obvious, add another layer.
If I had to compare it with another blush I would say it's slightly similar to Nyx mosaic blush, the one with the round box. The same texture and the same degree of pigmentation.
In the photo below I applied two coats of Peaches and Cream blush.
II dau nota 3 din 5 pentru ca nu m-a impresionat foarte mult si e prea prafos pentru gusturile mele. Il gasiti in 6 nuante in magazinele Marionaud sau online.
Voi ati folosit cosmetice Barry M? Cum vi s-au parut?
*fard de obraz portocaliu
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