Imi doresc ca ziua sa aiba minim 48 de ore!!! Poate asa o sa reusesc sa fac si eu tot ce mi-am propus...Oare si voi simtiti la fel ca mine? Ca timpul se scurge atat de repede incat nu ai timp mici macar sa iti faci ordine in idei? Eu cu asta ma confrunt in ultima perioada, de asta am scris si mai rar toate ca am atatea lucruri frumoase sa va arat!
Si daca tot vorbesc de lucruri frumoase, va invit astazi sa vedeti o dragalasenie de oja termala de la Bornprettystore.
Inca de cand au aparut ojele astea termale au creat o fascinatie in jurul lor...pai cum sa nu fie asa cand o vezi ca o oja isi schimba nuanta daca trece de la o temperatura la alta. E super tare si super creativ sa porti o astfel de oja...acum e verzui si pe seara (cand e mai frig afara) parca e alta..caci e verde inchis. Si am vorbit strict de culoarea pe care o port eu astazi...dar se ojele astea se pot gasii intr-o multime de nuante.
I want the day to be at least 48 hours !!! Maybe so I will succeed and do everything I want ... Do you feel the same thing? And because of this lack of time I wrote so rarely on my blog this couple of months... although I have so many beautiful things to show you!
And speaking of beautiful things, I invite you today to see a super cute thermal nail polish from Bornprettystore.
Ever since these thermal nail polishes appeared they created a fascination around them ... well how to not be so amazed when you see that a nail polish has the same color only if the temperature is... the same. It's super cool and super creative to wear such a creation. My thermal nail polish color varies from yellowish green in hot water to dark green in colder water.
And speaking of beautiful things, I invite you today to see a super cute thermal nail polish from Bornprettystore.
Ever since these thermal nail polishes appeared they created a fascination around them ... well how to not be so amazed when you see that a nail polish has the same color only if the temperature is... the same. It's super cool and super creative to wear such a creation. My thermal nail polish color varies from yellowish green in hot water to dark green in colder water.
Modelul de unghii de astazi a fost creat cu ajutorul: Baza Eveline 8 in 1 (pentru unghii puternice si sanatoase), oja verde termala Bornprettystore 101, oja galbena Golden Rose color expert si water decals Bornprettystore.
Gasiti minunatiile acestea la Bornprettystore si daca folositi codul DTX31 beneficiati de 10% reducere din valuarea comenzii.
U can find nail art supplies at Bornprettystore. Using the code DTX31 U have 10% off your entire order.
Ati folosit pana acum oja termala? Cum vi se pare acest gen de oja?
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