Ce poate face ca ziua de astazi sa fie mai vesela?!? Pentru mine e suficient sa port o manichiura inflorata creata cu nuante pastelate de oja.
Stiti cat de repede o puteti recreea? Foarte repede... Va trebuie o baza de unghii buna, cateva oje colorate (musai sa fie nuante pastelate), un instrument pentru punctat (eu am folosit o scobitoare) si un top coat lucios.
Am folosit - Baza eveline 8 in 1, Oja Pastel, scobitoare si Sally Hansen fast dry top coat.
How can you make a rainy day be happier?!? For me it is enough to wear a floral manicure created with pastel shades of nail polish.
Do you know how fast you can recreate it? Very quickly ... you have a good nail base , some colored nail polish (pastel), a pointed tool (I used a toothpick) and a glossy top coat.
Do you know how fast you can recreate it? Very quickly ... you have a good nail base , some colored nail polish (pastel), a pointed tool (I used a toothpick) and a glossy top coat.
Este cea mai simpla si vesela manichiura purtata in ultima perioada.
This nail art design is so simple and colorful.
Voi cum inseninati o zi mohorata ca asta?