Acum o saptamana ma laudam cu minunatiile primite de la Bornprettystore si astazi mi-am facut putin timp sa testez una din placutele primite.
Placuta BP50 are 4 modele dragalase: frunze, inimioare, valuri si..ceva abtract :d iar eu am ales sa port pe unghiute frunzulitele.
A week ago I showed U the wonders I received from Bornprettystore and today I made some time to test one of the plates That came in the package.
BP50 plate has 4 cute designs: leaves, hearts, waves and an abstract design. Today i stamped my nails with the leaf design.
BP50 plate has 4 cute designs: leaves, hearts, waves and an abstract design. Today i stamped my nails with the leaf design.
-Base coat / Lac de baza
-Pastel no 97
-Golde Rose Galaxy 02
-Top coat
lumina artificiala / artificial light
Va multumesc pentru vizita!
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