Ce este untul de shea?
Untul de shea este o superhrana pentru piele bogata in mod natural in vitaminele A, E Či F.
Acesta are protecČie UV (are SPF6), oferÄ pielii acizi graČi esenČiali Či nutrienČii necesari pentru producerea de colagen.
Concentratia de vitamine si acizi grasi face ca untul de shea sa fie extrem de hidratant fiind adesea folosit pentru a remedia uscaciunea pielii Či ajuta la protejarea uleiurilor naturale ale pielii.
Reduce inflamatia: Un studiu din 2010 a constatat cÄ, din cauza acidul cinamic untul de shea are proprietati anti-inflamatorii.
Shea ajuta la producerea de colagen natural Či conČine oleic, stearic, acizii palmitic Či linolenic care protejeazÄ Či hrÄnesc pielea.
What is shea butter?
Shea butter is a super food for skin naturally rich in vitamins A, E and F. It provides UV protection (has SPF6) and provides essential fatty acids and nutrients needed for collagen production.
The concentration of vitamins and fatty acids make the shea butter highly moisturizing.
It is often used to repair dry skin and help protect skin natural oils.
It is often used to repair dry skin and help protect skin natural oils.
It is anti inflamatory : A 2010 study found that because of cinnamic acid shea butter has anti-inflammatory properties.
Shea butter helps produce natural collagen and contains oleic, stearic, palmitic and linolenic acids that protect and nourish the skin.
Moduri de utilizare:
-Ca produs pentru hidratare corporala
-Ca balsam de buze
-Pentru a calma pielea uscata, expusa la soare (atenueaza senzaČia de mĆ¢ncÄrime dupÄ o zi la plajÄ sau la piscinÄ.)
- La decolorare de cicatrici Či arsuri pentru a accelera timpul de vindecare.
-Folosit pe unghii Či cuticule pentru unghii lucioase, sanatoase
-Folosit pe genunchi, coate si calcai pentru super hidratare
-Se amestecÄ cu balsam de par avand ca rezultat un tratament profund hrÄnitor.
-Ajuta la prevenirea vergeturilor
-Poate fi folosit si in rutina de ingrijire a bebelusilor
-As body moisturizer
-As lip balm
-As body moisturizer
-As lip balm
-To Relieve dry skin exposed to the sun, relief from itching after a day at the beach or pool.
- The fading of scars and burns to speed healing time.
-used on nails and cuticles for shiny, healthy nails
-used On knees, elbows and heels as super softner
-In hair routine mixed with balm for a deeply nourishing hair treatment.
-Helps prevent stretch marks
Can be used in baby care routine
- The fading of scars and burns to speed healing time.
-used on nails and cuticles for shiny, healthy nails
-used On knees, elbows and heels as super softner
-In hair routine mixed with balm for a deeply nourishing hair treatment.
-Helps prevent stretch marks
Can be used in baby care routine
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