Astazi i-am facut manichiura sorei mele. Ea a ales doua culori, verde si auriu.
Products used:
-Base Coat
-Flormar no nail enamel 435
-Beauty UK Olympic gold
-Nail accesories
-Top Coat
Based 1.Aplicam
1.Apply the base coat
2.Pe middle finger 2 coats of Olympic gold
2.On the middle finger Apply two coats of Olympic gold
3.Pe remaining fingers will apply two coats of Flormar
3.On the rest of the nails Apply two coats of green Flormar no
4.Pe showed the drawing oita
4.One the index finger draw a sheep
5.Pe ring finger sticking Accessories
5.One the ring finger glue accesories
6.Pe pinky apply a top coat with gold flakes
6.One the last finger with a gold sparkle top coat polish
7.Top coat and ready!
7.Top coat and done!
Hope u like it!