Astazi am facut o manichiura deosebita. Pentru realizarea ei am folosit ca baza oja holografica Flormar pe care o ador, mi se pare ca aduce foarte mult cu nisipul marii. Pe unghiile accent am facut un model cu banda peste care am aplicat un strat de oja negru albastrui. Sper ca va place!
Today I made a special manicure. To achievethis look I used as base a holographic nail polish from Flormar that I love, I think it looks a lot like the sand on the seashore. On the accent nails i have done a tape design and over it I applied a layer of bluish black nail polish. I hope you like it!
Today I made a special manicure. To achievethis look I used as base a holographic nail polish from Flormar that I love, I think it looks a lot like the sand on the seashore. On the accent nails i have done a tape design and over it I applied a layer of bluish black nail polish. I hope you like it!
Produse folosite:
-Base coat
-Flormar no 394
-Flormar no 399
-Striping tape / rola adeziva
-Top coat
Pasii urmati:
1.Aplicam baza
1.Apply the base coat
2.Aplicam Flormar 394 in doua straturi
2.Apply two coats of sparkling polish
3.Pe degetul 3 si 4 lipim fire de rola adeziva si aplicam oja negru albastru (no 399) peste ele
3.On the third and forth nail, glue strings of stick tape . Apply the blue black polish over the tape.
4.Dupa ce s-a uscat lacul indepartam firele lipite
4.When the polish in dry remove the striping tape
5.Top coat si gata!
5.Top coat and done!
Hope U like it!