Daca tenul tau este uleios si mai incarcat ca de obicei, este timpul sa iti faci o masca de detoxifiere cu argila.
Argila a fost folosita de-a lungul timpului de diverse culturi pentru beneficiile pe care le are asupra organismului. Aceasta are capacitatea de a elimina toxinele, de a absorbii sebumul in exces si de a elimina impuritatile de la nivelul pielii. Daca este aplicata cu regularitate, o argila buna poate imbunatatii aspectul tenului considerabil.
Healing clays have been used by cultures throughout history for their nutrients and to help rid the body of toxins. If it is applyed regulary, clay can improve the general aspect of the skin.
-Absoarbe toxinele nocive,sebumul si impuritatile
-In timp ce argila se usuca, pielea absoarbe mineralele ce le contine
-Tenul este curat si porii sunt minimizati
-Trateaza acneea
- In timp ce se usuca, argila se stringe pe fata, stimuland circulatia sangvina.
-Nu provoaca iritatii
The clay absorbs waste, harmful toxins, oil and dirt from the skin
The skin absorbs the minerals from the clay as it dries up, nourishing the skin
Cleaner skin and smaller pores
Acne treatment
Clay mask does not cause any type of skin problems
Stimulates blood circulation. As the clay dries up, it will tighten your skin, stimulating the blood circulation of your face.
The clay absorbs waste, harmful toxins, oil and dirt from the skin
The skin absorbs the minerals from the clay as it dries up, nourishing the skin
Cleaner skin and smaller pores
Acne treatment
Clay mask does not cause any type of skin problems
Stimulates blood circulation. As the clay dries up, it will tighten your skin, stimulating the blood circulation of your face.
Masca cu argila se poate face de 3-4 ori pe saptamana.
We can use clay masks for 3-4 days in a week .
Retete masca cu argila.
Pentru toatre tipurile de piele
Argila 1/2 canuta
Fulgi de ovaz macinat 2 lingurite
Miere 1 si 1/2 lingurita
Amestecam 2 lingurite de apa cu ingredientele de mai sus.Se intinde in mod egal pe fata si se lasa aproximativ 10 minute (sau pana se usuca).Indepartam argila uscata cu apa calduta. La sfarsit aplicam o crema hidratanta.
For all skin types
Clay 1/2 cup
Oats, grounded 2 tbsp
Honey 1 1/2 tsp
To apply, mix two teaspoons with an equal amount of water . Spread evenly over your face. Leave on for about 10 minutes. Gently remove with warm water . Apply a moisturizer.
Clay 1/2 cup
Oats, grounded 2 tbsp
Honey 1 1/2 tsp
To apply, mix two teaspoons with an equal amount of water . Spread evenly over your face. Leave on for about 10 minutes. Gently remove with warm water . Apply a moisturizer.
Pentru ten normal
Argila se poate combina cu vitamina E
For normal skin:
People with normal skin can combine the clay with Vitamin E oil
People with normal skin can combine the clay with Vitamin E oil
Pentru stralucire:
Amestecam argila cu apa si cateva picaturi de ulei esential (pentru tenul gras folosim ulei de rozmarin).Dupa ce curatam fata, aplicam masca si o lasam 5 minute. Clatim cu apa calduta.
For a glowing skin :
Mix a little clay and water and add a few drops of essential oil to this (use rosemary for oily skin). Clean the face first, then leave this mask on the face for five minutes. Wash it off with lukewarm water.
Mix a little clay and water and add a few drops of essential oil to this (use rosemary for oily skin). Clean the face first, then leave this mask on the face for five minutes. Wash it off with lukewarm water.
Pentru ten gras:
Amestecam 1 lingurita si jumatate de argila cu 1 lingurita de apa de trandafir. Aplicati aceasta masca pentru n efect de calmare instant.
For oil skin:
mix 1 1/2 tablespoon of clay with 1 tablespoon rose water. Apply this mask to your face to soothe the skin instantly.
mix 1 1/2 tablespoon of clay with 1 tablespoon rose water. Apply this mask to your face to soothe the skin instantly.