Astazi am sa va povestesc despre experienta mea cu Vichy Idealia (crema cu efect de netezire si iluminare).
Today I am going to tell you about my experience with Vichy Idealia.
Today I am going to tell you about my experience with Vichy Idealia.
Folosesc aceasta crema de mai bine de trei luni si ... o iubesc! Am cautat foarte mult timp o crema de zi care sa se potriveasca tenului si pot sa spun ca Vichy Idealia reuseste sa faca fata cu brio nevoilor mele.
I started using Vichy Idealia tree months ago and..i love it! I have been looking for a good face cream for a long time and now I'm able to say that I have finally found it!
I started using Vichy Idealia tree months ago and..i love it! I have been looking for a good face cream for a long time and now I'm able to say that I have finally found it!
-Crema este imbunatatita cu Kombucha 3%, Aha, Vitamine, Probiotice si Polyfenoli
-tenul se simte mai neted, mai suplu, hidratat
-are efect de iluminare
-nu contine parabeni
-contine vitamina E si apa termala Vichy
- Enriched with Kombucha 3%, AHAs, Vitamins, Probiotics and Polyphenols
- No parabens
- The complexion is more radiant
- Contains Vitamin E and Vichy termal water
- Enriched with Kombucha 3%, AHAs, Vitamins, Probiotics and Polyphenols
- No parabens
- The complexion is more radiant
- Contains Vitamin E and Vichy termal water
Imi place in mod special senzatia de prospetime pe care o ofera imediat dupa aplicare. Tenul pare ca radiaza si asta datorita formulei care actioneaza asupra fiecarui strat al epidermei reducand roseata si imperfectiunile . Mirosul fructat este divin. Se absoarbe imediat in piele. Vichy Idealia tinde sa tina sub control si productia de sebum din zona T. Dupa cateva saptamani de folosire mi-a imbunatatit considerabil aspectul tenului.
What i love about Vichy Idealia is the fact that after I apply it in the morning my skin looks radiant and feels really fresh. Has a wonderful fruity smell, it's easily absorbed into the skin, so you don't have to worry about any excess left on your face that will make your skin look oily during the day.I am very pleased with it and definitely will continue using it.
What i love about Vichy Idealia is the fact that after I apply it in the morning my skin looks radiant and feels really fresh. Has a wonderful fruity smell, it's easily absorbed into the skin, so you don't have to worry about any excess left on your face that will make your skin look oily during the day.I am very pleased with it and definitely will continue using it.
Vichy Idealia este disponibila in doua variante :-pentru tenul uscat si cel mixt
Vichy Idealia is available for dry to normal/combination complexions.
Vichy Idealia is available for dry to normal/combination complexions.
Idealia este cu adevÄrat o crema ideala pentru mine. Acesta a Ć®mbunÄtÄČit calitatea tenului meu, Ć®n doar cĆ¢teva zile Či pentru prima datÄ, pot vedea Ć®n mod clar beneficiile unui produs: pielea este hidratata si are un aspect fresh. Sunt foarte impresionata de acest produs.
Idealia is the Ideal moisturizer for me.My skin quality improved in only a few days and for the first time I can see the benefits of a product: radiant, even skin, which feels fresh and hydrated throughout the day. I am impressed .
Have u tried this moisturizer? What do you think about Idelia products?
Idealia is the Ideal moisturizer for me.My skin quality improved in only a few days and for the first time I can see the benefits of a product: radiant, even skin, which feels fresh and hydrated throughout the day. I am impressed .
Have u tried this moisturizer? What do you think about Idelia products?
Voi ati incercat aceasta crema? Ce parere aveti despre gama Idealia?