Sa vorbim despre cel mai nou rimel lansat de Avon: Big and False Lash Mascara. Acest rimel promite volum pentru intreaga zi, fara gene lipite sau incarcate, fara sa se intinda si ofera efect de gene false.
Let's talk about the newest mascara launched by Avon: Big and False Lash Mascara. This mascara promises volume for the whole day without clumpiness and gives that the false eyelashes effect.
Descriere oficiala:
'Peria: dispusi in forma de migdala, perii acopera fiecare geana,
inclusiv cele din coltul interior si exterior al ochiului, pentru un
aspect de gene false.
Formula patentata cu 1000 de fibre: fiecare flacon contine peste 1000
de fibre de dimensiuni variabile care se seaza pe gene si ofera volum
captivant. Nu incarca genele si nu se intinde.
Mod de folosire: Desurubeaza periuta de mascara, miscand-o usor in
lateral pentru a prelua formula din recipient. Aplica mascara pe genele
superioare si inferioare, asezand periuta de mascara la baza acestora
si tragand usor in sus si miscand in acelasi timp periuta in zig zag.'
Official description:
Sweep on from root to tip to double the volume for more glamourous lashes. The exclusively designed brush follows the natural curve of your eye to get to the root of your lash line. Lasts all day. Clump-smudge-, flake-free. Sweat- and waterproof. Hypoallergenic. Suitable for contact lens wearers.
Sweep on from root to tip to double the volume for more glamourous lashes. The exclusively designed brush follows the natural curve of your eye to get to the root of your lash line. Lasts all day. Clump-smudge-, flake-free. Sweat- and waterproof. Hypoallergenic. Suitable for contact lens wearers.
Ce spun eu:
Prima data cand l-am folosit am fost oarecum dezamagita pentru ca peria nu este deloc potrivita, este prea mare si te poti murdarii foarte usor pe pleoapa mobila atunci cand aplici rimelul la baza genelor (asa cum am patit eu). Daca ai foarte mare grija atunci cand il aplici sau daca folosesti o alta perie ai sa vezi ca e un super rimel care isi merita banii. Este un rimel care ofera genelor atat volum cat si alungire. Mare grija si la straturi, eu va recomand sa il aplicati intr-un singur strat pentru ca se formeza cololoase daca insistati. Rezista intreaga zi fara sa se dezintegreze si asta e un mare plus. Este waterproof si hipoalergenic. Are consistenta semi lichida, este foarte pigmentat si se gaseste in trei nuante: black, brown black si navy.
![Avon Big and False Lash Mascara review before and after](
The first time I used it I was somewhat disappointed because the brush is too big and you can easily smudge your eyelid when applying mascara at the base of the lashes (this happened to me). If you are very careful when you apply it or if you use another brush you'll see that it's a super mascara that is worth the money. It is a mascara that provides both the volume and length for the eyelashes. I recommend you apply it in a single layer because if you try to over do it you will have verry clumpy eyelashes. Stays all day without follouts and that's a big plus. It is waterproof and hypoallergenic. Has semi liquid consistency, it is highly pigmented and is available in three colors: black, brown black and navy.