Puppy love pentru astazi. Un model de manichiura simplu dar foarte dragalas. Am folosit ca baza o superba oja rosie din gama Golden Rose express dry 51 iar pe inelar am folosit o oja alba. Ca sa pot desena catelul am aplicat un top coat mat si dupa ce acesta s-a uscat am desenat freehand cu o pensula subtire si culori acrilice. Tin sa va spun ca sunt mega indragostita de ojele Golden Rose express dry, sunt super pigmentate, se aplica uniform si culmea...chiar se usuca destul de repede. Daca vreti o manichiura rapida si rezistenta le puteti incerca. Si gata...manichiura de astazi:
Puppy love for today. I made a simple but very cute nail art. For this design I used a gorgeous Golden Rose express dry red nail polish no 51and a white nail polish. On the accent nail I've applied a matte top coat and after it dried I drew a freehand puppy using a thin brush and acrylics. I would like to say I'm in love with this awesome Golden Rose Express Dry nail polishes, they are super pigmented, they apply uniformly...and even dries quickly. If you are in a hurry they are the ideal nail polishes to use. That's all, here is today nail art design: