Nu e asa ca va era dor de mine? Astazi ma afisez cu un ranjet si cu trei piese vestimentare, numai bune pentru o zi de toamna.
De curand am inceput sa colaborez cu un nou site de imbracaminte,, si pentru ca deja mi-a ajuns primul pachet (sunt doua la numar), am iesit la inaintare cu minunatul produs. Este vorba de un tricou alb, din material elastic, imprimat cu doua girafe gemene. Un tricou foarte versatil, care poate fi purtat atat cu o pereche de jeans cat si cu o fusta chic. Spre deosebire de alte site-uri de haine, nu a mai fost cazul sa imi iau o marime mai mare, numarul meu obisnuit s-a potrivit de minune si acest lucru m-a incantat maxim.
A doua piesa este fusta tip creion cumparata de pe Choies. O fusta dintr-un material plastic (cauciuc), cu o croiala conica si culoare negra, ca abanosul. Este fusta mea favorita pentru sezonul toamna-iarna, in plus se aseaza foarte bine pe silueta mea rubensiana si asta e un mare plus. Este si destul de ieftina asa ca daca va plac fustele de acest gen, eu o recomand cu mare drag.
Si pentru ca afara nu este atat de cald incat sa pot purta tricoul ca atare, am adaugat si un pulovar oversized crem din lana ca scut poentru vantul tomnatic. O pereche de dresuri groase, o geanta si niste ghete scurte au fost ultimele detalii si apoi am fost gata de drum.
Missed me? Today I am showing myself with a smirk on the face and three pieces of clothing, that are great for an autumn day.I recently started working with a new clothing site, and already recived the first package (there are two in number), so today i will review the marvelous product. It is a white shirt, has elastic material and a cute print with two twin giraffes. A very versatile shirt that can be worn both with jeans or a chic skirt. Unlike other clothing site, I havent had problems with the size chart, my usual size suited me the best and this excited me (on other sites I have to choose a larger size to fit me).The second piece is pencil skirt buyed from Choies. A skirt from a plastic material (rubber) with a tapered cut and ebony black color. It's my favorite skirt for autumn-winter season, in addition sits very well on my figure and that's a big plus. It is fairly inexpensive so if you like this kind of skirts, I recommend it.And because it is not so hot out there that you can wear the shirt itself, I have added an oversized cream wool sweater that keeped the shield for this autumnal wind. A pair of thick tights, a bag and some short boots were the last details and then I was ready to go.
Missed me? Today I am showing myself with a smirk on the face and three pieces of clothing, that are great for an autumn day.I recently started working with a new clothing site, and already recived the first package (there are two in number), so today i will review the marvelous product. It is a white shirt, has elastic material and a cute print with two twin giraffes. A very versatile shirt that can be worn both with jeans or a chic skirt. Unlike other clothing site, I havent had problems with the size chart, my usual size suited me the best and this excited me (on other sites I have to choose a larger size to fit me).The second piece is pencil skirt buyed from Choies. A skirt from a plastic material (rubber) with a tapered cut and ebony black color. It's my favorite skirt for autumn-winter season, in addition sits very well on my figure and that's a big plus. It is fairly inexpensive so if you like this kind of skirts, I recommend it.And because it is not so hot out there that you can wear the shirt itself, I have added an oversized cream wool sweater that keeped the shield for this autumnal wind. A pair of thick tights, a bag and some short boots were the last details and then I was ready to go.
Boots/Ghete: Clasicor
Bag: Zara