Saptamana trecuta s-a intamplat neprevazuta treaba, mi-am rupt o unghie. Si pentru ca s-a rupt doar jumatate am decis sa o repar...era si pacat sa le tai pe toate din pricina asta. Astazi va spun cum si ce am facut?
Last week the unforeseen thing happened, I broke a nail. And because only half of it broken I decided to fix it. Today I will tell how and what I did to repair my finger nail.
Am curatat frumos unghia de oja si apoi mi-am pregatit uneltele: o pila fina, un pliculet de ceai, o forfecuta, o oja de baza si lipici pentru unghii false.
I have removed my nail polish and after that I've prepaired the tools: a fine file, a tea bag, scissors, a nail polish base and nail glue.
Prima data am pilit putin suprafata unghiei, asa am nivelat-o frumos si am facut o baza buna pentru lipici. Apoi am aplicat un strat de oja de baza si in timp ce acesta se usca am taiat plicul de ceai si am luat o bucata mica pe care am folosit-o ulterior.
For the first step I've filed the broken nail to make a smooth surface for the fix it glue. After that I have applied one coat of base coat, and as I was waiting for it to dry I have prepaired the "band aid" cutting a little bit of paper from the tea bag.
Dupa ce baza s-a uscat am dat cu lipici pentru unghii false, doar pe zona in care era unghia rupta, apoi am lipit bucata din plicul de ceai. Cand s-a uscat lipiciul am pilit incet si cu rabdare pana ce s-a nivelat frumos unghia. La final am aplicat oja cum o fac de obicei si gata. Unghia mea era ca noua si este si acum dupa o saptamana in care mi-am schimbat oja de cateva ori.
After the base has dried I have applied the nail glue only on the area where the nail was torn, then I glued the teabag piece. When the glue was dry I've slowly and patiently filed the nail until the it was nice leveled. Finally I applied nail polish as I usually do and that's all, my nail is good as new.
Kisises @Taitzel!