De ceva timp folosesc cateva produse de make-up Flormar pe care le indragesc maxim iar astazi am sa le fac o scurta prezentare.
Today on blog, a little haul from Flormar cosmetics
Eyebrow design kit- este un kit pentru sprancene ce contine: oglinda, un fard, o ceara fixatoare, o penseta si pensula. Imi place foarte mult setul asta pentru ca are tot ce trebuie pentru stilizarea sprancenelor. Retusul il poti face foarte usor (ambalajul perfect ca sa il poti tine in geanta fara sa ocupe prea mult spatiu) si rezista la transfer. Ofera un aspect natural al sprancenelor fara sa le faca grafice. Se gaseste in 4 nuante (light, medium light, medium si dark).
Eyebrow design is a kit eyebrow Kit- containing: mirror, a blush, a fixing wax, tweezers and brush. I really like this set because it has everything you need to style your eyebrows. With this you can retouch them very easily (you can perfect packaging to you in a bag without taking up too much space) and you will look amazing all day. It provides a natural looking eyebrows without making them to graphic. It comes in four shades (light, medium light, medium and dark).
Fard Flormar Dazzaling Eyeshadow 01 slow motion. Este cel mai cremos fard pe care il am si e wow! Este foarte putin prafos, dar foarte putin si asta ma bucura tare mult. Nuanta Slow motion, singura pe care o am eu, este un alb intens pe care il folosesc in deosebi pentru iluminarea coltului extern al ochiului. Fardul Dazzaling Eyeshadow il gasiti in 8 nuante : Slow motion (fard alb sidefat), Close Up (fard crem), True Story (fard turqoise), Boom Shot (fard mov), Action (un fard maro ciocolata cu lapte), She Is A Star (fard piersica deschis), Drama Queen (fard albastru inchis) si Behind The Scene (fard gri inghis).
Flormar Dazzling Eyeshadow 01 slow motion. It is so smooth and buttery, it's a wow eyeshadow! It hase verry few fallouts, very little, and I enjoy that very much. Slow motion shade, the only one I have, is an intense white eyeshadow (that I use especially for the external corner of the eye). Dazzaling Eyeshadow has 8 shades: Slow motion ( pearl white eyeshadow), Close Up (cream eyeshadow), True Story (Turquoise eyeshadow), Boom Shot (purple eyeshadow), Action ( brown milk chocolate eyeshadow), She Is A Star (light peach eyeshadow), Drama Queen (dark blue eyeshadow) and Behind The Scenes (dark gray eyeshadow).
Si din gama Flormar Lights of Flowers am folosit un ruj si un gloss, ambele aceiasi nuanta de oranj. Rujul este cremos, pigmentat si se aplica foarte usor. Glossul este nelipicios, pigmentat si foarte lejer dar am observat ca se aplica usor neuniform (se strange in pliurile buzei ). Precious lipstick L34 si Precious lipgloss LF44.
And from Flormar Lights of Flowers range I used a lipstick and a gloss, both the same shade of orange. The lipstick is creamy, pigment and are very easy to apply and the gloss is non sticky, pigmented but I noticed that it's slightly unevenly when applied. Precious lipstick L34 and Precious lipgloss LF44.
Si la final am sa va arat o pereche de gene fantezie
super simpatice pe care le-am folosit pentru machiajul de Halloween. Sunt extensii de gene exagerate perfecte pentru
evenimente extravagante, ca aceasta sarbatoare.
And for the grand finale I will show a pair of super cute fantasy fake eyelashes that I have used for Halloween. This exaggerated eyelash extensions are perfect for extravagant events, just like this one.
Multumesc pentru vizita! kisses!